Faculty Spotlight – Elissa Braunstein

Professor Elissa Braunstein joined the CSU faculty in 2005 and was recently tenured and promoted to associate professor. She specializes in international macroeconomics, economic development and the economics of gender. Professor Braunstein has published two books and twenty articles and book chapters on topics such as the Chinese economy, the gendered impact of macroeconomic policy, […]

Economics Department is represented at WEAI

The Economics Department is represented at the WEAI conference in Denver, June 27th.  Anita Alves Pena, Colorado State University and Maoyong Fan, Ball State University –  The Short-Term and Long-Term Impact of the Great Recession on Immigrant Groups and Native Workers:  Evidence from the Current Populaton Survey Nancy A. Jianakoplos, Colorado State University –   NCAA Basketball:  […]

Economics Department congratulates Scholarship and Award winners.

Congratulations to the Economics Student Award and Scholarship winners, Spring 2014. Undergraduate Awards:                                                                                                            Outstanding Undergraduate Student Dung T. Phung ODE best term papers Shea Curan Christopher Johnston Alok Mehta 9-11 Scholarship Gabriel Anton Brull Ed Hewett Memorial Scholarship Zachary Burns McCallum                 Alumni Scholarship Daniel Biondi Tyler Olson Graduate Student Awards: ODE Outstanding Paper […]

College of Liberal Arts Faculty Honored with 2013-2014 Faculty Awards

Ann Gill, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, honored the recipients of the College of Liberal Arts 2013-14 Faculty Awards at the Spring Faculty/Staff Meeting and Awards Celebration on Wednesday, April 23rd at the University Center for the Arts University Dance Theatre. These awards acknowledge the accomplishments and efforts of the outstanding faculty and […]

Economics Awards Celebration

  ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT Annual Awards Celebration and New ODE Member Recognition MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014 GREY ROCK ROOM, LSC, 4:30 PM rsvp:  jenifer.davis@colostate.edu ________________________________________ AN ECONOMIST IN HIGHER EDUCATION:  ONE PERSPECTIVE SPECIAL HONORARY ADDRESS AT 5:15 PM BY: Dr. Michael V. Martin, Chancellor, CSU System Ph.D., Applied Economics, University of Minnesota 1977 Based in Denver, […]

Prof. Terry Iverson awarded CSU Energy Institute project.

Dr. Terry Iverson has been awarded a CSU Energy Institute Hydraulic Fracking project. An Economic Analysis of Local Opposition to Hydraulic Fracturing Colorado State University Energy Institute Project Description: Unconventionally extracted oil and gas have changed the energy future of the United States.  Lower gas prices have facilitated a move away from coal and created […]

Congratulations Economics Ph.D. Job Market Students

Congratulations to our eight graduating PhD students: Tessa Conroy Micah DelVecchio Ardyanto Fitrady Chris Hannum Liesel Hans Hujin Kim Tabitha Knight Chris Slootmaker As you can see from the attachment, they have all found exciting jobs and can look forward to their careers as professional economists with self-confidence and optimism. Their advisors deserve special mention for all the […]

Colorado Economy on the Rebound – Mostly

“Colorado has more jobs than ever before, but recovery from the Great Recession continues to elude some areas of the state.” Those are some of the findings included in a report from Colorado State University’s Regional Economics Institute (REI). Dr. Martin Shields, CSU Economics Professor, said work needs to be done to help Colorado’s economy fully […]