16th World Congress of the Association for Social Economics conference, plus a 2-day social economics summer school, to be held at CSU this June!

The 16th World Congress of the Association for Social Economics conference, “Putting the Social Back into Economics”, is being held right here at CSU June 11-13, 2018! Immediately preceding the conference there will also be a two-day summer school in social economics on June 9-10, 2018. Summer school participants will be provided the opportunity to […]

Study: CSU economic powerhouse for state

CSU commissioned economics professors Harvey Cutler and Martin Shields as well as agricultural and resources economist Rebecca Hill for a study to better understand the university’s economic footprint on the state. Results of that study, titled “The Economic and Fiscal Impact Study: Colorado State University” were posted in today’s Denver Post. Read the full Denver […]

Development Economics in Practice: PhD Student raises Money for Gender-Specific Restrooms in Nepal, Documents Increases in School Attendance, and Sets Paths for Continued Research

Dr. Anita Alves Pena, Chair of Economics and Dr. Alex Bernasek, Senior Associate Dean, traveled to Seattle recently with their PhD student Niroj Bhattarai to meet with members of an INGO “Splash” headquartered there to discuss a possible collaboration based upon Niroj’s dissertation research.  Niroj studied factors affecting school attendance in Nepal paying particular attention […]

CSU’s Department of Economics hosts the Western States Graduate Student Workshop October 21st

This weekend will bring graduate students from the Department of Economics at University of Utah and University of Missouri-Kansas City, together with graduate students here at Colorado State University for the Western States Graduate Student Workshop. The Department of Economics at CSU has been organizing the Western Graduate Students workshop in partnership with the Economics […]

We Are Hiring!

The Department of Economics at Colorado State University (CSU) invites applications for a full-time, entry-level tenure-track Assistant Professor position in applied macroeconomics. The successful candidate shall teach graduate and undergraduate courses in macroeconomics, maintain a research agenda that complements the Department’s graduate fields, and contribute to the Department in service. An interest in obtaining external […]

Professor Ed Barbier to speak at CSU’s Global Biodiversity Summit

Colorado State University is a leading global institution in biodiversity conservation research, with researchers around the world working to protect our native flora, fauna, and ecosystems. To celebrate this accomplishment and to raise awareness to the public, the Global Biodiversity Center was created with the mission to: “…work to advance understanding, conservation, and appreciation of […]

Dr. David Fischer, class of ’68, returns to CSU

Save the Date! The departments of Economics and Agricultural Resource Economics are sponsoring a Legacy Lecture by Dr. David Fischer. Dr. Fischer returns to CSU on the eve of Homecoming to discuss the ways economics has changed over the years. The title of his presentation is: “Toward a Trans-Disciplinary Economics: A 40-year Sojurn.” The lecture will […]

Professor Steven Pressman evaluates President Trump’s new tax plan

Donald Trump’s Tax plan does none of the things he claims, says Professor Steven Pressman in his latest op-ed published on The Conversation site. In response to Trump’s “middle-class miracle” tax plan announced on September 27th, Pressman deems the plan “not fit to become law of the land because it will enrich the rich, explode the […]

How does our sharing economy impact the environment?

  The term sharing economy is a relatively new concept but as CSU Economics professor Anders Fremstad points out, “There’s a lot of excitement around the sharing economy, and I’m excited, too, but it’s important to recognize that people have been sharing things forever.” The Washington Post posted an article on Monday 9/18, “The sharing economy […]