The 16th World Congress of the Association for Social Economics conference, “Putting the Social Back into Economics”, is being held right here at CSU June 11-13, 2018! Immediately preceding the conference there will also be a two-day summer school in social economics on June 9-10, 2018. Summer school participants will be provided the opportunity to present their work and receive feedback on it at the conference.

Social economics studies the ethical & social causes, as well as the ethical & social consequences, of economic behavior, institutions, organizations, theory, and policy.

The summer school will introduce the main ideas and tools of social economics plus examine numerous applications of social economics to contemporary economic issues. In addition, there will be sessions on job hunting, and on developing a research agenda and getting published. The two-day summer school will have lectures with plenty of Q&A, informal settings where participants and lecturers can meet, and a set of reading materials for students. The 16th World Congress in Social Economics conference will focus on how economics can be broadened by including ideas from social economics and how social economics can make contributions to other schools of economic thought.

The cost of attending the summer school is $95 plus room (inexpensive dorm rooms are available). The fee includes coffee and snacks between sessions and most meals for the two days.
Please note that ASE will award 15 scholarships to attend the summer school. These scholarships provide room and board during the summer school, discounted registration (only $95) for the conference following the summer school, as well as a one-year ASE membership (which entitles you to receive the Review of Social Economy and the Forum for Social Economics).

Submissions of individual papers and complete sessions for the conference are also being accepted. These can be theoretical, methodological, historical, empirical, or policy oriented. Papers directly related to the above theme, especially papers that look at income inequality and/or income distribution from a social perspective, will be given preference but all papers addressing the interests and concerns of social economists are welcome. Routledge has expressed interested in doing a conference volume containing papers centered on the conference theme.

The deadline for summer school and/or scholarship applications and paper submissions is February 28, 2018. Decisions announced around March 31.
All questions and submissions should be made to Steven Pressman (