Colorado State University is a leading global institution in biodiversity conservation research, with researchers around the world working to protect our native flora, fauna, and ecosystems. To celebrate this accomplishment and to raise awareness to the public, the Global Biodiversity Center was created with the mission to: “…work to advance understanding, conservation, and appreciation of life’s variation, ranging from genetics and organisms to ecosystems and their interactions. It is important to maintain resilient ecosystems supporting a diversity of plants and animals, which enhances societal health and wellbeing, and strengthens human links to wild nature. We will work to maintain and enhance biodiversity through research, policy advancement, education, and outreach.”

The 2017 Global Biodiversity Summit is the Global Biodiversity Center’s official announcement to the public about their efforts and the efforts of hundreds of CSU-based researchers dedicated to maintaining a healthy world ecosystem. The summit is a two day event with discussions each day on how a biodiverse world directly impacts you and how you can make an impact on improving the biodiversity around you! Economics professor Ed Barbier will be a member of Panel 1: Preserving Biodiversity: Perspective from Economics, Health, Food, Water, and Energy on Thursday October 12th from 9:00-10:30am in the Lory Student Center North Ballroom.

Full details of the Global Biodiversity Summit can be found at