Congratulations Economics Ph.D. Job Market Students

Congratulations to our eight graduating PhD students: Tessa Conroy Micah DelVecchio Ardyanto Fitrady Chris Hannum Liesel Hans Hujin Kim Tabitha Knight Chris Slootmaker As you can see from the attachment, they have all found exciting jobs and can look forward to their careers as professional economists with self-confidence and optimism. Their advisors deserve special mention for all the […]

Colorado Economy on the Rebound – Mostly

“Colorado has more jobs than ever before, but recovery from the Great Recession continues to elude some areas of the state.” Those are some of the findings included in a report from Colorado State University’s Regional Economics Institute (REI). Dr. Martin Shields, CSU Economics Professor, said work needs to be done to help Colorado’s economy fully […]

Study finds state’s oil and gas industry adding jobs.

Colorado’s oil and gas industry has replaced the jobs it lost during the Great Recession, and has begun×77.jpgREI1-300×77.jpg×77.jpg
adding new jobs to the state’s economy, according to a new report by Martin Shields, director of the
Regional Economics Institute at Colorado State University.

Economics Department Congratulates Fall 2013 Graduates

Congratulations to our Fall 2013 Graduates from The Department of Economics! MAJORS Ausbrooks, Linnea J. Blaine, John A.         Briardy, Christopher L. Buckner, Colton J.     Cartwright, David C. Chaisson, Andrea M.          Coe, Travis S. Cresta, Colby J.         Desautels, David M.  Desselle, Zachary M.  Gangwish, David J. + Geer, Orin W.          Gorton, Samuel S.     Gray, Robert F.         Gunderson, […]

CSU among the Best Universities in the World for Business and Economics

Colorado State University’s business and economics programs rank in the top 15 percent of the world’s best universities for the quality of faculty research, according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities. CSU’s programs placed 76th out of the top 500 universities included in the rankings released by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. The programs […]

Economics Department co-sponsors Campus Equity Week Colloquium

The Economics Department is co-sponsoring with TILT the Campus Equity Week All-University Colloquium   We welcome Marie Maisto President and Executive Director of New Faculty Majority Monday, October 28, 2013 2:00-4:00 pm, Morgan Library Event Center   For complete event information and the New Faculty Majority website, please see links below. Campus Equity Week