Current Position: Associate Professor, Jack Massey College of Business, Belmont University

The best thing I can say about my experience as a PhD student at CSU is that if I could do it all over again, I wouldn’t change a thing. I am fortunate that my dissertation committee members were not only excellent teachers, model scholars, and patient mentors, but have also become lifelong friends. The teaching experience I gained while a PhD student at CSU gave me a leg up in a job market where many new PhD’s have little-to-no teaching experience, and the willingness of faculty members to co-author with graduate students meant that I was able to enter the job market with several publications. I am confident that I am a better economist, teacher, and scholar than I would be had I gone to graduate school anywhere else.

The best thing I can say about my experience as a PhD student at CSU is that if I could do it all over again, I wouldn’t change a thing. I am fortunate that my dissertation committee members were not only excellent teachers, model scholars, and patient mentors, but have also become lifelong friends. The teaching experience I gained while a PhD student at CSU gave me a leg up in a job market where many new PhD’s have little-to-no teaching experience, and the willingness of faculty members to co-author with graduate students meant that I was able to enter the job market with several publications. I am confident that I am a better economist, teacher, and scholar than I would be had I gone to graduate school anywhere else.