Associate Professor



My research investigates the determinants and consequences of health disparities and social inequality. Research topics include the lasting impact of early health disparities, the welfare implications of health insurance, and the inequality of health and economic well-being among older populations. Prior to joining the faculty at CSU, I spent three years as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies and Research Fellow in the Program on the Global Demography of Aging at Harvard.


Miller, R., & Bairoliya, N. (Forthcoming). Health, Longevity, and Welfare Inequality of Older Americans. The Review of Economics and Statistics. Publisher's Version

Bairoliya, N., & Miller, R. (In Press). Social Insurance, Demographics, and Rural-Urban Migration in China. Regional Science and Urban Economics. Publisher's Version

Sedai, A., Jamasb, T., Nepal, R., & Miller, R. (2021) Electrification and Welfare for the Marginalized: Evidence from India. Energy Economics, 102. Publisher's Version

Bairoliya, N., & Miller, R. (2021). Demographic Transition, Human Capital and Economic Growth in China. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 127. Publisher's Version

Sedai, A., Vasudevan, R., Alves Pena, A., & Miller, R. (2021) Does Reliable Electrification Reduce Gender Differences? Evidence from India. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 185, 580–601. Publisher's Version

Miller, R., & Karra, M. (2020). Birth Spacing and Child Health Trajectories. Population and Development Review, 46(2), 347–371. Publisher's Version (open access)

Miller, R. (2020). Early Childhood Health and Schooling Attainment Gaps Within and Across Countries. Macroeconomic Dynamics, 24(4), 807–859. Publisher's Version

Miller, R., Bairoliya, N., & Canning, D. (2019). Health Disparities and the Socioeconomic Gradient in Elderly Life-Cycle Consumption. The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 14. Publisher's Version

Bairoliya, N., Canning, D., Miller, R., & Saxena, A. (2018). The Macroeconomic and Welfare Implications of Rural Health Insurance and Pension Reforms in China. The Journal of the Economics of Ageing , 11, 71–92. Publisher's Version

Miller, R. (2017). Childhood Health and Prenatal Exposure to Seasonal Food Scarcity in Ethiopia. World Development, 99, 350–376. Publisher's Version